Ball Python Piebald DNA Test is an in-house DNA test for the detection of the genetic variants that cause the Piebald morph. Sample collection is easy, DNA is extracted from a tiny piece of shed. Result interpretation is clear: two bands indicate a Piebald heterozygote.
This is a gelPCRTM test, based on PCR and DNA gel electrophoresis. Check more information on gelPCRTM tests here!
Ball Python Piebald DNA Test provides enough material for 38 tests (samples + controls). The kit includes reagents and PCR tubes.
How It Works
Instruction Manual
Video Tutorials
Shipping and Storage
Orders are typically shipped through a third-party carrier, such as UPS, and are delivered to the address provided during checkout.
Reagents are shipped only Mon-Tues-Wed overnight to guarantee the integrity of the product.
Store reagents in a freezer (-20 ºC) immediately upon arrival.
PCR tubes can be stored at room temperature.
What do I need to start?
To start you lab: check the gelPCR™ Bundle, it contains all the equipment and consumables to start.
Refills: to keep your lab running, you will need consumables refills. Check the Learning Lab Companion Kit, ideal for running 38 tests.
Check the instruction manual for the complete list of necessary materials. Some materials, such as gloves, tweezers, and toothpicks are not available on our website.