ZeeWee II Bird DNA Sex Test – 38 tests

SKU: DX-3536-01


The ZeeWeeTM II Bird DNA Sex Test is an in-house DNA test to identify the sex of parrots (Psittaciformes).

The kit has been validated using samples of Budgerigar Parakeet (M. ondulatus), Rose-Ringed Parakeet (P. kurmeri), and Blue-fronted amazon (A. aestiva). Please, inquire if you would like to use this test for other species by contacting us at dx@minipcr.com.

Know the sex of your parrots with this easy test!

Note: Necessary equipment and consumables for running this gelPCR™ test are sold separately.

All you need to start your lab: gelPCR™ Bundle 

Consumables refill: Learning Lab Companion Kit 

ZeeWeeTM II Bird DNA Sex Test is an in-house test for the determination of sex in parrots (Psittaciformes). Sample collection is easy, DNA is extracted from blood previously blotted (e.g., ex-ovo blood draw) on filter paper, buccal swabs, or from feathers. Result interpretation is clear: two bands indicate a female, one band a male.

This is a gelPCRTM test, based on PCR and DNA gel electrophoresis. Check more information on gelPCRTM tests here!

ZeeWeeTM II Bird DNA Sex Test provides enough material for 38 tests (samples + controls). The kit includes reagents and PCR tubes.

The kit has been validated using samples of Budgerigar Parakeet (M. ondulatus), Rose-Ringed Parakeet (P. kurmeri), and Blue-fronted amazon (A. aestiva). Please, inquire if you would like to use this test for other species by contacting us at dx@minipcr.com.

This kit provides material for 38 tests (samples + controls)

Reagents and supplies Provided
5X EZ PCR Master Mix. Load ReadyTM 1 tube
1.2X ZeeWeeTM II Primers 1 tube
DEBTM Extraction Buffer 2 tubes
100 bp DNA Ladder, Load ReadyTM, 20 Lanes 1 tube
Strips of 8 PCR tubes 10 strips

Common lab supplies such as microtubes, micropipette tips, gel electrophoresis reagents, and gloves are not included in the kit.
Equipment and other consumables necessary for running this gelPCR™ assay are sold separately.

To start your lab: check the gelPCR™ Bundle containing all the necessary equipment and lab supplies to start your lab.
Refills: check the Lab Companion Kit for consumables and DNA gel electrophoresis supplies refills to keep your lab running.

Refer to the instruction manual for more information.