ZeeWeeTM II Bird DNA Sex Test is an in-house test for the determination of sex in parrots (Psittaciformes). Sample collection is easy, DNA is extracted from blood previously blotted (e.g., ex-ovo blood draw) on filter paper, buccal swabs, or from feathers. Result interpretation is clear: two bands indicate a female, one band a male.
This is a gelPCRTM test, based on PCR and DNA gel electrophoresis. Check more information on gelPCRTM tests here!
ZeeWeeTM II Bird DNA Sex Test provides enough material for 38 tests (samples + controls). The kit includes reagents and PCR tubes.
The kit has been validated using samples of Budgerigar Parakeet (M. ondulatus), Rose-Ringed Parakeet (P. kurmeri), and Blue-fronted amazon (A. aestiva). Please, inquire if you would like to use this test for other species by contacting us at dx@minipcr.com.
How It Works
Instruction Manual
Video Tutorials
Shipping and Storage
Orders are typically shipped through a third-party carrier, such as UPS, and are delivered to the address provided during checkout.
Reagents are shipped only Mon-Tues-Wed overnight to guarantee the integrity of the product.
Store reagents in a freezer (-20 ºC) immediately upon arrival.
PCR tubes can be stored at room temperature.